Make a bamboo bicycle as a team-building and design challenge exercise at your work! BBB works with you to design a hands-on, brain-waking, collaborative experience that also leaves you and your colleagues with bamboo bikes! Contact us!
The original BBB workshop has built over 500 bamboo bikes with makers like you! We teach people to build their own bamboo bicycles from scratch over the course of a weekend. Sign up today!
We love working with students! Want your students to learn about design-thinking, sustainability, and the maker-ethos? Get in touch with us to see our past curriculums!
Over 400 community members have built their own personalized, custom bamboo bike!
Every summer young BBB fellows inititate their own community projects! Join us for 2017!
BBB Community leaders race bamboo bicycle vs taxi vs bus vs subway during the morning commute.
Workshops and events in schools, communities, and organizations from Shanghai to MIT to rural Laos!
In 2013, David Wang began fixing up thrown out bikes in Beijing in his spare time. One frame he picked up was too rusted, so he hacked it apart and remade it with bamboo. He rode that bike with Candy in Taiwan were they researched bamboo.
After returning from Taiwan and building several more bikes, the idea for a project called "Bamboo Bicycles Beijing"" was formed with Candy, Go, Xiao Yezi, Xiaobai, and Antonia! A Kickstarter and Dreamore (追梦网) were succesful and the group rented out a tiny ex-mahjong workshop in Beijing's traditional hutong. The goal was to make 25 bamboo bikes! WATCH THE BEGINNING HERE!
The 25 bikes were finished in no time. And by the winter, new community leaders had joined to to lead workshops, assemble bikes, and run some workshops in Guangzhou and Hong Kong.
We'll always hold BBB's Yanhui's bike in our hearts because it was the 100th bike!
Using money saved from commercial projects, BBB recruits 5 stellar BBB Fellows from high school and college. They build their own bikes and then initiate some great community projects ranging from: map making, bamboo crafts workshops, documentary films, an illustrated guidebook, and bike refurbishment.
South African native, Claudio Rebuzzi, leaves his English teaching job to take over BBB's operations. He brings on the fan-favorite, Mowgli, as the in-house mechanic, translator, and nap-taker. Claudio and Mowgli build all kinds of new bikes while increasing BBB's big projects with clients from Mercedes, Otis Elevators, ChildFund, USAID, and more.
Facing snow, mountains, and a totally different work environment, BBB teaches youth in rural Laos to make bamboo bicylcles using local bamboo.
Students and community leaders have held workshops around the world: Hong Kong, Shanghai, Fujian, Sanya, Guangzhou, Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), Denver (USA), Boston (USA). (Actually these didn't happen at one time, but over the whole year). Long-time part-time assitant, Dangao, joins full time!
With funding from MIT Global Ideas, Stanford, and Hampshire college, BBB hosts another cohort of amazing Summer Fellows who end up starting BBB's volunteer program, making a bamboo bike rack, interviewing BBB's neighbors, making a bamboo strength test machine, and more!
Claudio leaves BBB for Wales, and Mowgli and Dangao take over. They pioneer partnerships with local schools to teach more students to make bikes.
BBB sponsors Mowgli to participate in the Yunnan Granfondo. He comes in first place... in the bamboo division ;-)
Long in the making, Mark partners with BBB begins teaching workshops more regularly with spaces in Shanghai. Meanwhile in Boston David and Max hold the occasional workshop at MIT and Brookline Teen Center.
We're always looking for new friends, ideas, and opportunities! Get in touch!
David.Wang@bamboobicyclesbj.comCommunity Organizer
candy.yang@bamboobicyclesbj.comShanghai Volunteer
BBB Assistant,BBB Translation Corps
BBB Translation Corps and the 99th bamboo bike
CWO Chief Wisdom Officer
BBB Educator